The Ranch 2021 Exhibition - Film


It's been some time since our last post. Our Covid inspired 1 room exhibition last summer was lovely to do as a precursor and meanwhile Part 2 to our remote session back in 2020.

We tentatively hoped to travel this year in the Spring, several events overtaking our decision to travel - to hold our position and wait to see what summer may bring.

Looking back in January while preparing for our UCA School of Architecture MultiStorey Lecture series- Staff Research Part 2 thoughts and ideas re-appeared as memories of the title of the 2020 session ' Rituals of anticipation' whatever that may entail. The film had a launch of sorts that evening. 

This version is a slightly edited version. The soundtrack is a collaboration with Gabor Stark from the 2020 Part 1 remote sessions 'Coda to a Lithuanian Landscape'.

This FILM may be still edited but it's time to let it go - again. There is much to add, films to include, anecdotes and stories yet to share.

Thank you again to Daiva for her continuous film take & lone Ranch 21 Participant and curator.